Mothers’ Club General Membership Meeting

Everyone is welcome to join the Mothers’ Club! We hope you’ll attend our monthly General Membership Meetings which are held the second Wednesday of each month, at 7pm,  JANUARY 13 will be via ZOOM! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 925 0909 6973 Passcode: 994015 One tap mobile +13126266799,,92509096973#,,,,*994015# US (Chicago) +19294362866,,92509096973#,,,,*994015# US (New York)

Mothers’ Club General Membership Meeting

Everyone is welcome to join the Mothers’ Club! FEBRUARY MEETING VIA ZOOM: Zoom link info here: Meeting ID: 916 1047 7170 Passcode: 927731 One tap mobile +19294362866,,91610477170#,,,,*927731# US (New York) +13017158592,,91610477170#,,,,*927731# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location         +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)         +1 […]

Mothers’ Club General Membership Meeting

Everyone is welcome to join the Mothers’ Club! We hope you’ll attend our monthly General Membership Meetings which are held the second Wednesday of each month, at 7pm, either in Cleminson Hall, a local business sponsor location, or by Zoom. Please check our webpage ( or our Facebook Page (@GPSMothersClub) for meeting location.

Mothers’ Club General Membership Meeting

Everyone is welcome to join the Mothers’ Club! We hope you’ll attend our monthly General Membership Meetings which are held the second Wednesday of each month, at 7pm, either in Cleminson Hall, a local business sponsor location, or by Zoom. Please check our webpage ( or our Facebook Page (@GPSMothersClub) for meeting location.   MARCH […]

Mothers’ Club General Membership Meeting

Everyone is welcome to join the Mothers’ Club! We hope you’ll attend our monthly General Membership Meetings which are held the second Wednesday of each month, at 7pm, either in Cleminson Hall, a local business sponsor location, or by Zoom. Please check our webpage ( or our Facebook Page (@GPSMothersClub) for meeting location.   MAY […]

Mothers’ Club General Membership Meeting

Everyone is welcome to join the Mothers’ Club! We hope you’ll attend our monthly General Membership Meetings which are held the second Wednesday of each month, at 7pm, either in Cleminson Hall, a local business sponsor location, or by Zoom. Please check our webpage ( or our Facebook Page (@GPSMothersClub) for meeting location.

Mothers’ Club General Membership Meeting

Everyone is welcome to join the Mothers’ Club! We hope you’ll attend our monthly General Membership Meetings which are held the second Wednesday of each month, at 7pm, either in Cleminson Hall, a local business sponsor location, or by Zoom. Please check our webpage ( or our Facebook Page (@GPSMothersClub) for meeting location.